Dr. Dan Manor


Course for Managers of Technological Start-Up Companies
The Israeli Managerial Institute

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering,
Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel

M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering,
Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel

B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering (honors)
Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering,
Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel

Military Service

1978-1982 Officer (Captain) in the IDF.


1998 - present Biosonix Ltd., Co-founder and CEO.
A medical device start-up company for generating various physiological parameters for diagnostic and monitoring purposes, including non-invasive measurements of blood flow. Generated significant equity investments from several venture capital firms for company operations.

1998 - present Medical Dynamics (Israel) 1998 Ltd., Director and Chief Scientist.
The company continues the activities of Medical Dynamics Ltd. Leading the company into new markets, and developing company strategies.

1996-1998 Medical Dynamics Ltd., Co-founder and Managing Director.
Leading a start-up company for medical devices (pneumatic blood assist devices) from concept to exit. Responsibilities included products characterization, development, patent applications, clinical management, design for manufacturability, generating governmental funds (Chief Scientist and the Fund for Encouraging Marketing), marketing (including brochure production, international advertisements, international exhibitions), generation of a network of distributors, joint venture negotiations, financial management, and ultimately leading the company to an exit through acquisition by foreign investors.

1995-1996 Rimed Ltd., Products Manager and Medical Director.
The position included: characterization of transcranial Doppler systems for development; introduction of new clinical applications; international clinical support of enduser physicians; conducting seminars and training courses; supporting clinical research; international marketing efforts; writing technical, clinical and marketing material; production of promotion material; preparation of international exhibitions.

1993-1995 Dept. of Physiology, University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort-Worth, Texas, Research Assistant Professor.
Faculty member of UNTHSC. Theoretical and experimental studies in the field of congestive heart failure. Investigating the role of the venous circulation in modulating cardiac function. Investigating the effects of elevated right atrial pressures on the coronary circulation and cardiac function in isolated and intact canine heart preparations.

1990 Heart Research Center, Dept. of Biomedical Eng., Technion-IIT, Research Engineer.
In charge of the animal research laboratory. Conducting animal experiments to investigate the phasic nature of the coronary arterial flow and the intramyocardial pressure under different physiological conditions. Correlation of results with a computer model of the coronary circulation.

1989-1991 Rambam Hospital, Haifa, Research Assistant.
Participation in open heart surgeries for the investigation of a new implantable pulsed ultrasonic Doppler sensor for post-operative monitoring of blood flow and ventricular function.

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